Working on creativity with the book The Artist's Way

Working on creativity with the book The Artist's Way

Last week I started The Artist's Way book by Julia Cameron. I think its a well known book in the art world. Its a self-help book for artists - for creativity. 

I've had it for years and finally opened it up and started reading. 

The two basic principles are "Morning Pages" and doing "Artist Dates". 

Morning pages is just stream of consciousness journaling to get all the gunk out of your head - to clear your mind and make room for your artist brain to flourish the rest of the day. Writing on paper anything that comes to mind, first thing in the morning. Every day.

Artist Date - every week you're supposed to take yourself out on an artist date - do something different, fun, out of the norm to try to get your creative juices flowing. It is pretty open ended so I wasn't sure exactly what would "count" as an artist date. 

After reading the intro/week 1 chapter I related to a lot of it. How your logical brain gets in the way of the artist brain and stunts creativity, flow. How negative self-talk also gets in the way and you really have to work to change how you talk to yourself internally. Turn the negatives into affirmations. Looking into where those negative "blurts" she calls them came from - if something happened in your past to cause them. 

So I took myself on an Artist Date - it just so happened that there was a gallery show opening reception last week! What perfect timing. I almost didn't go because with new things, or going somewhere alone, my fear/negative brain tells me to be to afraid of new experiences. But I fought that and went by myself! 

I'm so glad I did. It was two women abstract artist's paintings. I really enjoyed their artist talk. I related to so much of it too. 

Talking about their process when painting - to turn your mind off and paint from the heart. To not focus on the end product because that ruins the flow and experience. To let the painting tell you where it wants to go. Painting is a conversation. If you start to feel tightness - paint with your non-dominant hand or turn the painting upside down. Do something to get the flow back. To know the "art rules" and then break them. 

I felt inspired and I'm so happy I went.

Takeaway so far from starting The Artist's Way - try something new, different, maybe a little "scary" and it might inspire you and give you new motivation.

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